
Transparent Aluminium.

Transparent Aluminium (Aluminium oxynitride).

Aluminium oxynitride or ALON is a ceramiccomposed of aluminium, oxygen and nitrogen. It is marketed under the name ALONby Surmet Corporation. ALON is optically transparent (≥80%) in the near-ultraviolet, visible and midwave-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is four times harder than fused silica glass, 85% as hard as sapphire, and nearly 15% harder than magnesium aluminate spinel. Since it has a cubic spinel structure, it can be fabricated to transparent windows, plates, domes, rods, tubes and other forms using conventional ceramic powder processing techniques. ALON is the hardest polycrystalline transparent ceramic available commercially. Its combination of optical and mechanical properties makes this material a leading candidate for lightweight high-performance transparent armor applications such as bulletproof and blast-resistant windows and for many military infrared optics. ALON-based armor has been shown to stop multiple armor-piercing projectiles of up to 50 cal. It is commercially available in sizes as large as 18 × 35 inch monolithic windows.

Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world’s most powerful soft X-ray laser. 'Transparent aluminium' previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion.

The discovery was made possible with the development of a new source of radiation that is ten billion times brighter than any synchrotron in the world (such as the UK’s Diamond Light Source). The FLASH laser, based in Hamburg, Germany, produces extremely brief pulses of soft X-ray light, each of which is more powerful than the output of a power plant that provides electricity to a whole city.

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Transparent Aluminium. Transparent Aluminium. Reviewed by A civil Engineer on December 29, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. This post is utter fantasy. "Exotic new state of matter"? "Nuclear fusion"?
    As far as I can tell its creation has nothing to do with Oxford scientists or FLASH (which has run since about 2000).
    The picture is of a sintered ceramic material, aluminium oxynitride. It is very strong and transparent to x-rays, light and IR. It has been around since 2000, patented in 2005. It is made by the American Surmet Corporation and named ALON. It is sintered into the required shape using lots of heat and pressure over several days. It is very expensive but lighter and better than bulletproof glass.

    1. No! this is really exist.
      aluminium oxynitride is also known as transparent Aluminium.


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